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Martyr and 72 virgins in heaven
I’m currently taking a religious class and this week’s topic is on Islam. A student asked the below question and I want to provide… Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged 72 virgins, authentic, Day of Judgment, forgiveness, fundamentalism, hadith, heaven, Houris, intercession, marriage, martyr, media, paradise, protection, relatives, reward, safety, sapphire, Shari`ah, torment, veneration, virgins, wide-eyed, wives
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Hadith about women’s status
I heard there is hadith about status of women in which Prophet Sall allahu alaihay wasallam said” that a woman is ruler… Continue reading
Mashur(Famous) story of Utbi in Tafsir Ibn Kathir under the aayah 4:64
Mashur(Famous) story of Utbi is recorded in Tafsir Ibn Kathir & other scholars also recorded it… Continue reading
Hadith on Future
“After judgement day there will be a day of assembly when people of heaven and hell will be brought together. A ram will be sacrificed… Continue reading
Posted in Hadith, Takhrij
Tagged assemply, black and white, caller, death, eternity, hadith, Judgment Day, necks, people of Hell, people of Paradise, ram, sacrifice, Sahih Bukhari, slaughter, stretched, Surat Maryam
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Tobacco’s origin
i often advise my friends,relatives,colleagues to stop smoking and i qoute the narration qouted by Maulana sheikh (Nazim Qaddas Sirrahu) that tobacco plant was created from the filth of iblees When iblees was blown down by Seal of Prophets Syedna Muhammad Salla’l la ho alaye hi wasallam from a distance of 500 years (travel). Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Hadith, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
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Regarding the emergence of Sahib al Zaman
Using Islamic hadiths, current events and calculations based on real numbers, dates and times I have came to the conclusion that Imam al Mahdi… Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged calculations, current events, hadith, Imam Mahdi, lifespan, lifetime, Niburu, Planet X, signs, star, ummah
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Hadith of Rasulullah s.a.w
Can you teach us about the hadith where Rasulullah s.a.w met with Iblis and answered his questions? Continue reading
Posted in Hadith, Qur'an & Tafsir
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Paradise in exchange for sending salams on Rasul’Allah (saw)?
I was reading the following article:… Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged abundant salawat, article, close, darood, deserve, evidence, hadith, invoke blessings, paradise, Prophet Muhammad (s), safest, salawat, sinner
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Lunar eclipse in Ramadhan
I read a book written by Dr. Tahir ul Qadri in which he mentioned that among the signs of appearance of Syedna Imam Muhammad al Mahdi Alaye hi Salam is the solar eclipse… Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged appearance, authentic, forgery, hadith, Imam Mahdi, liar, lunar eclipse, narrations, ramadan, signs, solar eclipse, unreliable
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Importance of imam
There is a hadith in Tabrani, narrated from Amir Muawiya RaziAllah Anhu that whoever died without (the ma’rifat of) any Imam, he died on kufr… Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged authority, command, five pillars of Islam, hadith, imam, Islamic Law, kufr, obey, political authority, Quran, righteous, sahih hadith know, wali
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