`Ibadat – Worship
Shaykh Adib al-Kallas
I was wondering if you could tell us a little about Shaykh Adib al-Kallas (rahimahullah ta’ala), especially how he was as a teacher? Continue reading
Taraweeh alone
Can you tell me what the correct technique is too reading taraweeh alone? Continue reading
Missed prayers
I just recently rediscovered Islam and have started praying all of 5 daily prayers though yesterday I learnt that throughout the years where I had gone astray… Continue reading
What Surah to read when you making Fateha for the deceased?What Surah to read when you making fateha for the deceased?
I was wondering if you can tell me what surah to read when we have prepared food for Fateha for the deceased to send them Eesaal e Sawaab? Continue reading
No Control
Astagfirullah, I had to fast these last days of Shawal and for doing stupid things that I should not do, I lost the fast. I can not stay, I’m doing the practices well, practical strong, but I can not control some instincts. Continue reading
Dua During Fard Salah
I have this habit where when I pray my fard prayer individually I ask my duas during the last sajdah of the salah… Continue reading
Menstruation during Hajj
Which rituals of the Hajj and Umrah is a menstruating woman allowed to do and which parts is she not allowed to do during menstruation? Continue reading
Use of Skincare Products
I’m in need of some advice regarding skincare products used on face and body and whether it affects wudu/ghusl. .. I get waswaas that the wudu is not valid after I’ve applied skincare with ingredients like Alcohol, Urea and other chemicals in them. Continue reading
Missed prayers from age of 9
One of my co-employees requested me to ask about prayers missed since age ten. Continue reading
Timing of Wazifatul Kubra
I would like to ask about the Wazifatul Kubra (Salaatuun Najaah, Tahajjud, Salat ut-Tasbih, etc) mentioned in the Naqshbandi Handbook of Devotions. I know that this is supposed to be performed in Tahajjud time, but my problem is I work nights… Continue reading