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wearing pants/ shalwar below ankles
Asalaamu alykum. Whats the ruling on wearing pants/shalwar normally below ankles? I have seen many persons who are responsible Islamic persons wearing shalwar below ankles… does Islam allow it? Continue reading
Can Muslim women swim?
My aunt died just last week because while traveling back to her and husband house after visiting her father (my grandam) the plane crashed somewhere I don’t know how and she didn’t knew how to swim and she drowned. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Sunnah
Tagged archery, horseback riding, javelin throwing, Sunnah, swimming, women
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Is this real?
Selam Alejkum I saw this video in internet and im asking is this real that we should place our hands when we pray on the chest ( man ) Please answer speed because im very confused http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG2mNhberMI Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sunnah
Tagged hands in salah, madhhabs, rejecting madhhabs, Salafis, salat differences, wajib
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Changing color of Turqoise
AssalamoAlekum, I am wearing feroza ring since a month ago. It has changed its colour completely from turquoise blue to kind of sea / aqua green color.. Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
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Can you teach me the proper way to use miswak becose the shaykh lokman effendi said in his video sohbat that the prophet( saws ) use it other way that most of people use it. Continue reading
Sunnah of The Rida’
I was wondering whether wearing the rida’ like the habaibs are Sunnah. Also, is the ghutrah/shamagh etc. items which the Prophet S.A.W wore? Continue reading
The Caliphate
Does the Caliphate represent the integration of spiritual authority and temporal power to function as the legitimate sovereign of the Umma? Continue reading
Posted in History, Sufism (Tasawwuf), Sunnah
Tagged khilafa, khulafa ar-rashidin, spiritual guidance, temporal authority
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Imama Shareef
I just wanted to know the proper way to wear the imama and how it should be wrapped around the head. Also can wear the imama without a tail? Continue reading