Tag Archives: adab
Attending a Church Funeral
Question: I am a young Scandinavian woman and I embraced Islam five years ago and none of my family members is a Muslim. One of my relatives died and I was wondering if it is permissible for me to attend … Continue reading
Making Du`a for non-Muslims
I am a German Muslim and my father died recently but he was not a Muslim… Continue reading
I was wondering if u can outline the proper order of reciting the Dalaiul Khayrat based on the edition published by ISCA Continue reading
How we can show the best adab to Allahu rabbul al-amin, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w), Sultanul awliya, Hisham Kabbani and Mahdi(a.s). Continue reading
Prayer Request: Salah
Please pray for me as I am so lacking in doing my obligatory prayers that it worries me… Continue reading
Adab for visiting Khawajagan
I want to visit to maqam of Naqshbandi saints Golden Chain in Uzbekistan… Continue reading
Those who spoke evil about ahl e bayt alayehim salam ajmaeen
There is a hadith “whosoever abused Ali (alaye hi salam),verily he abused me…” and another one “whosoever kept the enmity of Ali (alaye hi salam),he kept enmity of me…”
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Prayer Request:Peoples Attitudes
I have recently come across sisters following the same Tariqah in the town I live in [private]. I have been invited by a sister to come to the weekly zikr. Continue reading
Wahabi, Salafi Beliefs
What is the difference between Naqashbandi, Syed, Gilani and all these silsilas? they all claim their chain goes back to the prophet… Continue reading