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Tag Archives: angels
Dream: ForceRêve: Force
In my dream I see that a man is trying to get closer to me. I have seen this type of dream thrice, first when I saw I just got up from my sleep.[fr]Dans mon rêve, je vois qu’un homme tente de se rapprocher de moi. J’ai vu ce genre de rêves deux fois, la première fois que je l’ai vu, je me suis tout de suite réveillé…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angels, awliyaullah, hawa, lower self, nafs, police, ruh, soul
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Rêve: Force
White LightUne lumière blanche
About 2 weeks ago I started to see this white/yellow light on the floor. I only see this light after my prayers and at the end when I’m giving my salams.[fr]Depuis environ deux semaines, je vois une lumière blanche/jaune par terre. Je vois cette lumière uniquement après mes prières au moment de faire les salams…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angels, light, prayer, salat, worship
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Une lumière blanche
Dream: Meditation explanation
In my dream, a brother from tariqa is explaning about meditation… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged ablution, angels, awliya, Khatm Khwajagan, Mawlana, meditation, ruqya, spiritual beings, tawiz, wudu
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Dream: hearing voices reading salawatu nabi
dreamed one day i was between sleep and wake i was hearing men voices reading beautyfull salawtu nabi i Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angels, praise of Prophet (s), salawat
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Dream: Quest
I have this dream from time to time which essentially stays the same but the scenario changes a bit. It starts off with me on a quest for knowledge and physical training on top of a snowy mountain, where I train my mind and body with spiritual knowledge as my guide. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angelic support, angels, asceticism, commitments, consistency, Cyprus, devotion, guide, knowledge, maintain, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mountain, quest, seeker, sincere, snow, spiritual knowledge, thinker, training, worldly desire, worship
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Lower to higherQuestion: Lumières blanches dans le Coran
A while ago, under the instruction of a spiritual master in India I was guided to continually recite Surah Jinn and use breathing exercises to raise my qudra.[fr]Il y a quelque temps, sous l’instrution d’un maître spirituel en Inde il m’a été recommandé de réciter la sourate Jinn et d’utiliser des exercices…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angels, ayah, ayat, breathing exercises, dark cloud, Holy Qur'an, mumin jinn, qudra, qudrah, servant, spiritual power, straining, Surat al-Jinn, white light
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Question: Lumières blanches dans le Coran
Seeing white light and feeling energyVoir une lumière blanche et sentir de l’énergie
I am seeing a white celestial silver light since May 2002 … Recent months high energy level increasing inside my head like powerful water, making a thoughtless situation very easy.[fr]Je vois une lumière blanche argentée depuis May 2002…Ces derniers mois, un haut niveau d’énergie s’accumule dans ma tête comme une eau avec un puissant débit,[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angelic connection, angels, automatic concentration, celestial, dhikr, dhikrullah, energy level, increasing, silver, white light, Ya Baqi
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Voir une lumière blanche et sentir de l’énergie
Dream: Istakhara dreams istakhara dreams
I did an istakhara for my marriage for 3 days. The first day when I went to sleep in my dream I saw a boy. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angels, confirmation, doubts, istikhara prayer
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istakhara dreams