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Tag Archives: `aqidah
Types of Taqlid?
As salamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatuLLAHi wa barakatuh,
What are the types of Taqlid and do we differentiate between Taqlid in a Fiqhi Madhhab like Hanafiyyah and Taqlid in an ‘Aqidah Madrassah like Ash’ariyyah? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged `aqidah, fiqh, jurisprudence, madhhab, taqlid
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I wish to learn about Sufism and the Shaykh, and how to do bay’at and about Aqeeda? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `aqidah, study, sufilive.com, sunnah.org, tariqah
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About isnad
Ya shaykh Gibril
Is there an opinion in Mizan al-‘Itidal of imam al-Dhahabi, rahmatullahi ta’la alayh, (or any of his other books, or by some other imam)
To validate or to make permissibile the taking of fiqh and aqida, if they themselves are RELIABLE, of the immediate students (and their students and their students and so on), basically with the isnad in fiqh and aqida of an ‘Alim (y) who is dishonest in his presentation of another ‘Alims (z) book, to muftis for fatawa against him, in doing so alim (y) intentionally shows the ‘ibarat and the jumlay concerned in alim (z)’s book out of context and not what he intended just to get fatawa of kufr against him. Because of this dishonesty has been found out and his standing their by becoming tarnished and his isnad effectively not having the sidq attached to it because of this. Continue reading
Difference Betwen Faith and Belief
In the sohba’s I see two titles, some says faith and another says belief, can you explain what is the main difference in both of these terms. I am unable to pick what is the correct translation for these two so I can understand clearly, also can you tell me if these two terms means aqeedah and iman… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged `aqeedah, `aqidah, believer, faith, faith vs belief, iman
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Status of the Ahla Bayt
What is our view on the descendants of the Prophet(saw) who are not Muslim, or who are fasiq, or those from among the Shias etc? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged `aqeedah, `aqidah, Aali Bayt, Ahl al-Bayt
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Is it correct to study with Muhammadiyah?
I want to study religion in some pesantren in Indonesia insha Allah. Though, my place is surrounded by Muhammadiyah affiliated places. Can we take from them? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `aqidah, Ahlu 's-Sunnah wa 'l-Jama`ah, company of pious, different tariqahs, friends, keep company
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Marriage between a Sufi and Salafi
Am a Muslim woman following the Sufi path and got married to a Salafi.The man made me believe he was a Sunni before marriage and after marriage I found out he follows Salafi … Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged `aqidah, clash, conflicting beliefs, divergent ways, incompatibilty, opposite position, Salafi beliefs, suitable marriage partner
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sunnianswers.wordpress.com reliability?
Could Sidi Gibril Haddad please advise about the soundness of the articles and replies on the website sunnianswers.wordpress.com, written by Shaykh Abu Adam?… Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged `aqida, `aqidah, `ulema, articles, Ash`ari, biography, fiqh, fitna, Hanafi School, reliability, Salafi, scholars, Sham ash-Sharif, Sunni, translation, Wahabi
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