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Tag Archives: `aqidah
Do some `Aqidah matters make one fasiq?
Q: Are there matters in Aqeedah that does not make one kafir but Fasiq? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged `aqidah, belief, bida`, fasiq, innovation
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`Aqidah and tasdiq
Question: Is there a difference between AQEEDAH AND TASDEEQ, believing and trusting; meaning that belief is 100% but trusting is not? Answer: `Aqidah is the general term for belief, of which tasdiq is a part. But tasdiq is not just … Continue reading
Can an ahad hadith be used for `aqida?
Q: Does any scholar ever say that we can not take into aqeedah an ahad hadith? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Hadith
Tagged `aqidah, ahad, al-Albani, fisq, hadith, ibn al-Qayyim, kufr, Salaf
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Does `aqidah change over time?
Question: Does OUR Aqeedah change from generation to generations because we have ahad hadith and mutawatir. Answer: No. Al-Hamdulillah, our `aqidah is that of the Prophet (s) and the Congregation of the Companions without change, preserved until the end of … Continue reading
Is our `aqida the same as that of the Sahaba?
Q: What is the ruling on a person that says beaware that our aqeedah is different from the Sahabah because we did not have the Prophet (s), and because of fabrications in hadith, therefore we have to be careful what we take into aqeedah, so they say accept only mutawatir hadith? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Halal & Haram
Tagged `aqidah, Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jamah, al-Albani, companions, hadith, mutawatir, Sahaba
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Can `Aqida be based on single-narrator narrations (ahad hadith)
Q: Can one take into its Aqeedah narrations from ahad hadith? Continue reading
family not in tarika
Q: We may tell our family they are not in tarika,about the advent of Mehdi A.S? Can they also do the tesbih Hasbunallah Rabunallah? Continue reading
Benefitting the Deceased
“Prophet (S) saying only three acts benefit a deceased when he dies. “Those being knowledge he gave, charity he spent, or the prayers of a “pious son. “I also read a hadith where Abu Hurayrah (R) prayed for a dweller of the “grave by asking Allah to increase the good of a believer if he did good, “and to forgive his bad if he did bad. How do we reconcile these two “hadith of the Prophet (S)? Especially because some Muslims use the first “hadith to ban acts for the deceased. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged `aqidah, acts, benefit, benefit dead, Charity, Imam Tahawi, knowledge, pious son, thawab, three
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Praying Behind Wahabi ImamPrier derrière un imam Wahabi
Q: I live in Saudi Arabia and here in most of the masjids the imams are either salafi/wahabi and they dont even recite basmala before fathiha. My question is whether we can follow that imam for prayer? [fr]J’habite en Arabie Saoudite et ici la plupart des imams sont wahabi ou salafi…[/fr] Continue reading
Praying in Mosque with People of Different `Aqidah
Q: I live in a community where in mosque every type of people come and offer prayer. Wahabi, Deobandi, Salafi etc. Is it a strong reason to offer prayer in my room?… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Salat - Prayer
Tagged `aqidah, congregational prayer, Deobandi, jama`ah, mosque, prayer, Salafi, salat, Wahabi
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