Tag Archives: bad thoughts
Prayer Request: Needed to do wudu often
I am requesting Hajjah Naziha to help me to stay clean. I am having continuous vaginal discharge not too much sometimes very little. All the time almost including prayer times with bad thought also sometimes without that may be. Allah knows best. Continue reading
Severe waswasa
I need to know how I can dispel thoughts and suggestions from my mind which I do not want to be there. These are thoughts and suggestions which might appear after having read something regarding a shameful matter… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Healthhealth
Tomorrow I must go to the hospital. I am very nervous about it. Also I have bad thoughts in my head. Continue reading
Dream: black clouds and two kinds of people
After fajr awrad, I dreamt I was in a car, (two men drove), turning very quickly on itself in a place filled with men who entertained. Continue reading