Tag Archives: belief
Maturidiyya on Rewards and Punishments
What reasoning do our Muslim brothers of the Maturidi Aqeedah give for saying that Allah punishing the good and rewarding the bad if He so wishes would be absurd? Continue reading
First Thing to Teach Children?
What is the first thing parents should teach their children? Continue reading
Is Wahabism kufr?
The Wahabis have some terrible beliefs about Allah (like anthropomorphism and ascribing limitations and defects) and make horrific insults against Rasool Allah (sallah Allahu aleyhi wasalam) ,essentially degrading him to the status of any old person and forbidding great love for him (na’uthubillah). Continue reading
Misunderstood Question!
Plz could u answer about Hazrat Abu Talib? Continue reading
Prayer Request: Lift the hopelessness and despair
I am not a follower of Islam, but I’d kindly like to make a prayer request. Lately I’ve… Continue reading
Rene Guenon
Rene Guenon is famous among many knowledgeable and senior Western murids… Continue reading
Re: Denial of Mi`raj not kufr?
In your previous reply you wrote: “As for Mi`raj, yes, it is mentioned in many hadiths that have been said to reach the level of mass transmission, but it does not reach the level of absolute binding certitude required for the verdict of kufr against one who denies it.” Continue reading
Dream: Fire
I dreamt that Maulana predicted that a fire will break out at this house flats (I’m staying in one of the house)… Continue reading