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Tag Archives: clothes
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim welcoming meReve: Mawlana Cheikh Nazim me souhaite la bienvenue
from what I remember… I see people walking past saying to me they have seen Sheikh Nazim and that I have to see him.[fr]Ce dont je me souviens… je vois des personnes qui marchent devant moi en me disant…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged available, clothes, green eyes, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, path, serene, smile, veiled
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Reve: Mawlana Cheikh Nazim me souhaite la bienvenue
Washing Machine
I would like to ask if it is possible to share a washing machine with non-Muslims, since their clothes might contain impurities which are not allowed in prayer. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged advisable, clean, clothes, doubtful, empty, impurities, non-Muslim, permissibility, prayer, rinse, washing machine
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Dream: holy nose of Prophet saws
I saw Saidouna Mouhammad salla allahou aleihi wa sallem. He was about 20 years old. Continue reading
Dream: black clouds and two kinds of people
After fajr awrad, I dreamt I was in a car, (two men drove), turning very quickly on itself in a place filled with men who entertained. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliyaullah, bad desires, bad thoughts, clothes, entertainment, fajr, forgiveness, masjid, men, mosque, naked, repent, safe return, sin
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Dream: Armpit
I had a dream sometime back,in which i see my armpit area has increased down till my chest on the side.It has just tiny hair and I hide it from people that I can’t let them know about this. Continue reading
Dream: Mahdi picks me up
Once I dreamnt that I was in a field waiting for something or someone. A lorry was passing by and Mahdi As was on the carriage with some mureeds, all wearing white clothes and turbans. There was one seat left and the lorry stopped and picked me up. Continue reading
Color of Clothes
Question: Salam Hajjah, Can we women wear any colour for clothes? Orange colour like Dalai Lama allowed to wear or not because Maulana Shaykh Nazim was teasing me. I’m not sure now to wear or not to wear. I try … Continue reading