Tag Archives: hospital
Prayer Request: Thank You
Alhamdulillah thank you all for your prayers.I met my beloved brother who already return home.He is well thank you Alhamdulillah. Continue reading
Prayer Request: My friend’s mother had a stroke
Please may I ask for you to pray for my friend’s mother who has just had a stroke and is currently in the hospital? Continue reading
still born baby
Q: We have just given birth to a stillborn child of 8 months gestation. Following the law of the country and Sheikh Hisham’s awrad we have buried her as soon as it was possible (39 hours after birth) in a Muslim cemetery. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Mother who is very sickMother who is very six
Dear Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, I AM VERY WORIED, my mother is extremly sick and hospitalized… Continue reading
Prayer Request: My Father is illMy Father is ill
Ya Sayadi Please can you do dua for my father? He is the treasurer at our local mosque in the UK, Greater Manchester… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Healthhealth
Tomorrow I must go to the hospital. I am very nervous about it. Also I have bad thoughts in my head. Continue reading
Prayer Request: For my beloved brother
Please pray for my beloved eldest brother who is in the hospital now and also to his family for patience always. Continue reading
Dream: Dajjal
I was holding a crate of potatoes waiting for elevators. A man said “look at that sign” above elevator door. Continue reading
Dream: dream or illusion
It’s been seven months ago when this happened to me. Me and my husband have just come from a 4-5 hrs long journey. Continue reading