Tag Archives: large
Dream: Istikharah for taking a tariqat
I got offer for tariqat and am confused to take it or not,… Continue reading
Dream: Big Bubbles from the sky
Had a dream a while back, me in my old house looking outside my dad and mum’s window towards the left… Continue reading
Dream: Huge nose
I dreamt my nose was huge and I was exhaling hairpins and hair clips out and lot of sweetcorn… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing orange orb (floating orange ball)
I was sleeping and I had a dream about a very big boat. Me and my sister are on that boat and on one side of the sea… Continue reading
Dream: Sutlan ul awwlia
1:In this dream I’m in a very large empty room similar to a masjid, all four walls are made of a transparent powerful light… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Allah’s Name
I had a dream my brother-in-law gave me large gold earrings with Allah’s Name engraved in it for my birthday… Continue reading
Dream: Big birds near shore
I come to the ocean shore and meet a group of very large white birds. I ask them what they are doing. Continue reading
Dream: Trying to save Holy Quraan from falling
I had a dream sometime back that I had a very huge Holy Quraan (it was like 1 or 2 stories big) & it was upright in my hands and I was trying to make sure it’s not falling down. Continue reading