Tag Archives: loud
Anger in the household
Just before we married my wife accepted Islam and received bayat with Shaykh Nazim… Continue reading
Dream: Reciting Shahaadat
The other night I had a dream I was on a green-like football field. I was reciting Ash-hadu Al-laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wahdahoo… Continue reading
Dream: Visitation (ziyarah) of a graveRêve: Visite (ziyarah) d’une tombe
In this dream, I was visiting a Grave (Qabr) which was leveled to the ground. That was the single grave there, and it was present in a huge (plain) grassland with beautiful green grass. [fr]Sayyidi! Pouvez-vous, s’il vous plaît, interpréter ce rêve que j’ai eu?[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Babies
1) I saw Mawlana Shaykh Hisham(q) returning from suhbah and a lady came to visit him with a baby. Continue reading
Permission to guide dhikrQuestion: Permission de diriger le Zikr
Q: I’m a Shia and I’ve take Baya’t 3 years ago from a shaykh of maulana. in my zone there are nobody that make Dhikr, and I’ve make a little gathering of Shias Brother to make Dhikr…[fr]Je suis Shiite et j’ai pris la bayat il y’a de cela 3 ans par un Shaykh de Mawlana…[/fr] Continue reading