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Tag Archives: mental health
Prayer Request: Mental health
My sister-in-law started having mental health issues after the birth of her second child 3 years back. She benefited from medications at the time but now, after her third child (which she insisted on having) Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged hearing voices, medication, mental health, sadaqa, schizophrenia
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Prayer Request: Worries about my son with OCD
I am truly blessed to be able to associate myself with you. My problem is my son who has OCD and tourettes. He has issues with his rage… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Prayer Request
Tagged mental health, mentally unwell, obsessive compulsive disorder, qurbani, rage issues, Tourettes Syndrome
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Prayer Request: Extreme anxiety, panic attacks and constant depression
I require powerful prayers to be read for my self as I am suffering really badly from depression, panic attacks and dizziness. … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Prayer Request
Tagged distressed mureed, emotional problems, mental health, severe depression
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Prayer Request: For my wife
Can you please do a dua for my wife who is suffering from mental illness please. Continue reading
Help for a brother…
[Private] was always a popular boy at 21…now at 25 he has been suffering with Asr of something… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Health
Tagged alcohol, brother, care provider, condition, distress, family, friend, isolated, medication, mental health, personalized care, popular, suffering
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Prayer Request: Auntie’s Mental Health
My Aunty is currently suffering from a mental health problem and we would be grateful for you prayers to grant her good health… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged aunt, mental condition, mental health, mental illness
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Prayer Request: OCD and Cure
My mother has been suffering from a mental condition ever since her adolescence. Her obsession with maintaining order, organization and cleanliness dictates her entire life and often they take priority over her health, family or work. Continue reading
Posted in Health, Prayer Request
Tagged adolescence, battle, cleanliness, control, du`a, family, health, heart, insomnia, mental condition, mental health, mental illness, O.C.D., obsessive compulsive disorder, occupied, order, organization, peace, priority, suffering, uncontrollable, work
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Bipolar DisorderTroubles Bipolaires
Please answer 2 questions for a sister asking for help for her son. He spent 2 times several days in a psychiatric hospital (and intent to suicide) and doctors gave as diagnosis that he is “bi-polar”.[fr]Veuillez s’il vous plaît répondre à 2 questions pour une soeur demandant de l’aide pour son fils…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged a`uzu billah min ash-Shaytan ir-rajeem, bipolar, bipolar disorder, diagnosis, jinn, mental health, mental hospital, mental illness, psychiatric hospital, son, suicide, Ya Shafi
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Troubles Bipolaires