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Tag Archives: mosque
Asking about namaz with wahabi people
The area where I am working, it has only one mosque and that is of Wahabi people… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Salat - Prayer
Tagged accept prayers, angels, blessings, congregational prayer, jama`ah, join, masjid, mosque, namaz, Prayers, reward of congregational prayer, reward of salat jama`ah, salat, Wahabi, workplace
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Dream: Read
I had a dream where I was in a mosque. There was a person in a white robe in front of me… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angel, colorful, dome, Holy Qur'an, holy verses, learned teachers, lips, masjid, mosque, read, recording, robe, salawat, spiritual knowledge, touch, white, white robe
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Dream: Going to mosque
I saw a dream about uncle (my husband). He was about to go mosque for salaah but in the way he felt down and had to go hospital. Then he made a phone call to me but i could not talk with him. Continue reading
Husband loves dunya
Our biggest problem is that he loves Dunya, listens music, talks only about money and he is very materialistic. [fr]Our biggest problem is that he loves Dunya, listens music, talks only about money and he is very materialistic. [/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Shk Hisham in Sri Lanka
I saw Shk Hsiham Kabbani & Ali Seyed who were in Sri Lanka. They were traveling from one city to another. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Ali Elsayed, masjid, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, mosque, organize, Salat al-Jumu`ah, Sri Lanka
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Fear of CatsCats
In Lefke, a cat entered the mosque. He fixed me among the people with a particular look and comes towards me to be caressed… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged black cat, caressed, cat, cats, fear of cats, Lefke, mosque, mumin jinn, protect, protection, Shaytan, shaytans
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Prayer Request: My Father is illMy Father is ill
Ya Sayadi Please can you do dua for my father? He is the treasurer at our local mosque in the UK, Greater Manchester… Continue reading
Posted in Health, Prayer Request
Tagged antibiotics, bladder infection, cancer, count, du`a, father, father-in-law, health, hospital, ill, local mosque, masjid, mosque, pneumonia, shifa, treasurer, UK, white blood cells
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My Father is ill
Dream: Zikr and lettuceZikr and lettuce
Shaykh Hassan from Germany was entering the mosque in Holland (in reality this mosque is a Tariqat mosque from a different Naqshbandi shaykh) and there he was leading the zikr… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged dhikr, Germany, hadith, help, Holland, kitchen, lettuce, masjid, mosque, Prophet Muhammad (s), serving others, shaykh, Shaykh Hassan Dyke, stairs, tariqah
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Zikr and lettuce