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Tag Archives: murtad
Please Dua For Me and My Kids
My ex husband never Ibadah since He converted to Islam, Now He is Murtad and hate Islam. Continue reading
Apostacy in Islam
I have been told that if you commit apostacy in Islam knowing or unknowingly your nikah beomes invalid and you have to renew it again… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged apostasy, belief, correct belief, disbelief, kufr, leave Islam, marriage, murtad, nikah, place, renew, renounce Islam, repent, seriousness, sit, sky, space, Throne, time, unbelief, valid, validity
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Anger in the household
Just before we married my wife accepted Islam and received bayat with Shaykh Nazim… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged advice, advise, affection, arrest, baya`, convert, deen, devotions, disdain, disregard, ease, feelings, fight, force, happy, Islam, issues, leave Islam, loud, marital discord, marital problems, married, mediator, murtad, peace, police, profanity, provide, renounce Islam, revert, situation, upset
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Dream: Sister who came back to Islam
I had a dream of a sister who in life left Islam and but as far as I know now she has returned back to Islam… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged belief, Bible, Christianity, conflict, convert, cross, Islam, Islamic, left Islam, murtad, ornate, past experiences, pendant, sister, surface, surprised, verses
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Prayer Request: Friend’s husband having doubts about Islam
Can you make dua for my friend’s husband..who has lost his imaan in Islam for many reasons..mostly to do with Muslims..what else can she do and pray??… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged iman, Islam, leaving Islam, leaving religion, losing faith, murtad, Muslims, weak faith, weak iman
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What breaks baya`
Please tell what are all the things which tends to break the baya… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged baya`, break, decline, leaving Islam, murtad, unbreakable
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Changing your faith
What is the Islamic ruling on if a Muslim leaves Islam and changes his/her religion to another e.g. becomes Christian?… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged changing religion, Christian, Islam, murtad, Muslim, Shari`ah, unbelief
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