Tag Archives: obligation
Keeping Ties with Evil Relatives
My question is, what does Islam say about keeping ties with your uncles and aunts who are two-faced?… Continue reading
Prayer Request: for family to enter the tariqah
My brothers dont offer the obligatory prayers regularly as if it is not important to them.Please pray for them as well as for me to be good Muslimsl Continue reading
Husband loves dunya
Our biggest problem is that he loves Dunya, listens music, talks only about money and he is very materialistic. [fr]Our biggest problem is that he loves Dunya, listens music, talks only about money and he is very materialistic. [/fr] Continue reading
die without Hajj
Q: What happens if we die before having performed Haj? Continue reading
Dream: Husband’s permission for interpretationRêves: Permission du mari pour l’interprétation
I’m wondering if Islamically I need to obtain my husband’s permission to ask for anonymous interpretation of my own dreams here on eShaykh,[fr]Je me demandais si sur le plan islamique je dois obtenir la permission de mon mari pour demander une interprétation de mes rêves,…[/fr] Continue reading
Age for prayer and fast
I want to know according to Hanafi school what is the age for a boy and for a girl after which fasting in Ramadan and offering 5 daily prayers become obligatory upon him/her? Continue reading
Removing Hijab
Q: this is a very uncomfortable question for me, but I am struggling almost every day with the idea of whether to take off hijab or not, whether I will even be able to do it…[fr]Q: this is a very uncomfortable question for me, but I am struggling almost every day with the idea of whether to take off hijab or not, whether i will even be able to do it.[/fr] Continue reading
Who is obligated for qurban?
Q: Who is obligated to sacrifice qurban? Continue reading
Procedure of Zakat
Q: What is the procedure of zakat? Continue reading
Paying for Cousin’s Hajj
Q: My cousin who wants to give money for his parents to do hajj but he yet has not done it himself. Is this permissible? Continue reading