Tag Archives: paradise
Dream: a shaykh and a lady
I was sitting in a white space in a chair. Next there was a shaykh person in a chair. I don’t know who the shaykh was. Continue reading
Dream: Travelling with Prophet PBUH
I dreamed that I met my Shaykh who passed away. He sat at the feet of a throne and asked me to sit at his own feet. Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, my mother and sister
I had a dream where I was in my mother’s home. My older sister comes down with her daughter (currently she is not married nor does she have children). Continue reading
Dream: Second Monday of Dalailul Khairat
Two months before my mother passed away, I sent her a MP3 of Dalailul Khairat and a copy of The Chanting of the Mystic Heart. She used to listen to both of them. A month ago, in my dream, I heard someone reciting the second Monday of Dalailul Khairat. Continue reading
Dream: Neighbours in Paradise
In my dream I was walking through paradise and looking to see my place in it. Continue reading
question about jannah
Q: This question is a bit silly, and I feel shy to ask, but Ill ask anyway. Im a guy that plays video games, but I dont get so sucked in them that I forget Allah. But whenever I watch my favorites shows with action, or play those kinds of video games I cant help but think, “Yes! This is what I want in jannah. Continue reading
Prophet Mohammad(s) in my dream
Q: A green field with a lot of murids in it, some sheiks comes and start orderind the murids to get in line behind them, every sheyk wanted all the murids behind. I was in the field very confuseed without kwowing where to put. Continue reading
Hadith: forgiveness of major sins
Q: Does the hadith below cover major sins (kaba’ir)? Continue reading
Dream: green vegetables
I saw in a dream that i brought a vegetable, which was green, very prominent GREEN… Continue reading
Dream: seeing Prophet Muhammed (SAV)
In my dream Prophet Muhammed was healing a boy of adolesent age… Continue reading