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Tag Archives: police
Prayer Request: please ya shaykh, help us
ya sayyidi, you have answered my questions with the title, please ya shaykh Hisyam, Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged parental approval, police, runaway
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My brother steals
my brother is taking money out from a box of money which we have in our… Continue reading
I had a dream in which I’m driving with my family. Well my… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged arrested, father, police
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Anger in the household
Just before we married my wife accepted Islam and received bayat with Shaykh Nazim… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged advice, advise, affection, arrest, baya`, convert, deen, devotions, disdain, disregard, ease, feelings, fight, force, happy, Islam, issues, leave Islam, loud, marital discord, marital problems, married, mediator, murtad, peace, police, profanity, provide, renounce Islam, revert, situation, upset
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Dream: Lion
1. A big lion not letting me move or go on laptop. I sat at a table in maternal uncle’s kitchen… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, basement, bear, blessing, claws, enemy, escape, evaporate, explode, fierce, fish, goat, hug, human teeth, kitchen, lady saint, laptop, lessen, lion, maternal uncle, paternal uncle, police, protection, relative, saints, table, target, waliya, walk
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Dream: Murder
I killed a girl by mistake and I am trying to hide the dead body while the police is following me… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Court Trial date
My name is [private], I am a mureed. I have a court date on Feb 14th 2011. I am the defendant in the case… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged accusation, brother, Canada, charges, court, court case, defendant, dhikrullah, family, family problems, hasbunallah, hasbunallah Rabbunallah, police, Sri Lanka, trial
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Dream: ForceRêve: Force
In my dream I see that a man is trying to get closer to me. I have seen this type of dream thrice, first when I saw I just got up from my sleep.[fr]Dans mon rêve, je vois qu’un homme tente de se rapprocher de moi. J’ai vu ce genre de rêves deux fois, la première fois que je l’ai vu, je me suis tout de suite réveillé…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angels, awliyaullah, hawa, lower self, nafs, police, ruh, soul
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Rêve: Force
Dream: Mother and Son
There is an investigation and my mom just want to help around by explaining to the people who are inquiring that the individual is innocent. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliyaullah, bad people, brother, investigation, mother, police, shocked, sins, son, spiritual cleansing, spiritual investigation
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Dream: Istikhara
I did istikhara if I should remain in a certain group where Muslim women gathered with their children. I was part of this large group for 8yrs. Continue reading