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Tag Archives: Quran
Son’s dream from Eid Fitr 2007
This is a dream my son had when he was 5 (he is now 8). In his dream he was playing among “thousands” of white boats that were on a cement beach. He said each boat had boxes in them which contained miniature people and miniature houses. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged 'Ilm al-Yaqin, adab, angel, boxes, concrete, knowledge, Knowledge of Certainty, mercy, ocean, Quran, Sayyidina Adam (as), shore
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Ayat ash-Shifa (Six Quranic Verses of Healing)
Six Quranic Verses of Healing: Ayat Ash-Shifa…[fr]Six Quranic Verses of Healing: Ayat Ash-Shifa[/fr] Continue reading
Turkish: Nasıl Rabbani Olunur?
Q: Musluman Rabbani olmak için tarikat almış sufiler ne yapmalıdır? (What do we need to do to become a Rabbani?) Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged baya`, dhikr, diamond, initiation, kun fayakun, nawafil, non-tariqah, perfect character, practice, prayer, Quran, Rabbani, rare, salat, tasbih
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Dream: Getting a letter from Sheikh Nazim
The Day I took Bayat with Maulana Shaikh Nazim through Internet , I saw a dream in which a male voice instructing me to read Quranic verses and my shahada finger moving on the verses… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bus, dream, fire, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, partner, Quran, revert, shahada finger, verses
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Dream: Quran eated
my dream is: I was at home and I’ve dinner and Mawlana appear to me and give give me the Qu’ran and say me: eat it! I eat and I feel burn into myself and Mawlana look me serious. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged eat, Holy Qur'an, Mawlana, Quran, secrets
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Qur’an and Menses
Q: Should women read or touch the Qur’an during menstruation?…[fr]Q: Should women read or touch the Quran during menstruation?…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Women's Issues
Tagged awrad, dhikr, fiqh, Hanafi, hijab, mashaf, menses, Quran, scarf, touch, translation
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Dalils for Awliyaullah in Quran & Hadith
I was recently speaking to a friend and was telling them about awliya Allah and that Allah has special people who he has sent on earth to help and guide people to the right path. My friend does not believe in this and sees no reference of this in either the Qur’an or Hadith. Continue reading
Posted in Hadith, Qur'an & Tafsir, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged awliyaullah, citations, hadith, proofs, Quran
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Non-Muslims Handling Quran
Q: I am not Muslim, but I own a fine printing of the Qur’an which I received as a gift from a Muslim student…
A: The story is told of a man named Bishr who was coming home drunk one rainy night and who saw apiece of paper with some writing on it in the mud. Upon closer examination he saw that the writing was the name of God in Arabic, ALLAH…. Continue reading
Posted in Qur'an & Tafsir
Tagged clean, non-Muslim, pure, Quran
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Why Do the Imams Differ?
At times a difference of opinion occurs due to the different narrations that are found with regards to a particular aspect. One Imam gives preference to one narration on the basis of various criteria while the other Imam, in the light of his knowledge, prefers the other narration. Continue reading
Why Follow an Imam?
This can be answered by posing a counter-question: “Do you know all the various laws of deen, religion? Are you capable of extracting and deriving the laws pertaining to wudu, salah, zakat, etc. directly from the Qur’an and Hadith? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged `ulama, hadith, imam, Imam Abu Hanifa, knowledge, madhhab, Quran, scholars, Shaykh Muhammad Ilyas Faisal
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