Tag Archives: recitation
Red in the Quran
I always open the Quran and this morning I opened it and it had a red mark… Continue reading
Adhaan and Iqamah
my friend told me that if the Adhaan and Iqamah is recited in a melodious tune, thus making it ‘musical’,… Continue reading
Dream: partial recitation of al fatiha
After entering the prayer I begin reciting al fatiha, when I get to “ar-Rahman ar-Rahim” the Imam goes into ruku and I follow him. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Recitation
I like to recite Nasheed/Naat shareef but I don’t have melody in my recitation… Continue reading
Dream: The Gift
I had a dream where i was in a shop. I wanted to buy a gift for Maulana Shaykh Nazim and in this shop i saw a box shaped like the blessed sandal of the Beloved Prophet SAW. In this box were cloth cut shaped sandals exactly like the box. Continue reading
Dream: Reciting Surah Fatiha in Prayers
I was half asleep and half awake when I heard, who I think was an Imam leading the prayer and reciting Surah Fatiha… Continue reading
The bliss of khitam khawajgan with Chikh Hicham
ya Cheikh Hicham, I downloaded your video on khitam khawajgan (Santiago) to practice. When I first started, I felt strange motion of pains in my chest and my heart… Continue reading
I am confused abot a reply, I need clarification
My question is my husband is away travelling, & wont be back for quite a while,so what can I do? seeing as I cant blow on him? Continue reading
Ducks Hunted by a Christian!
A Christian man who hunts ducks or turkey depending on the season is offering me some of his meat. Is it halal for me to eat this meat? Continue reading