Tag Archives: ruh
What exactly is Nafs or Ego
I am still not able to understand the real and exact meaning of the words “NAFS”… Continue reading
Difference between spirit and soul
May I ask what is the difference between the spirit and the soul, as I see different… Continue reading
Dream of dead
My dad had a dream that someone he knew who is already is dead said to him, “I havent seen you in a long time” what does this signify? I dont however think that he replyed back to him. Continue reading
Dream: hazrat abu baker r.a
I saw in a dream that I’m attending the majlis of sheikh Asif Hussain Farooqi Naqshbandi Mujaddidi d.b… Continue reading
Prayer Request: regarding people who have passed over
What Shaykh Hisham means by “his spirit is free” as he has explained in many suhbats, is that person has reached a level of enlightenment, gnosis, ma`rifah, wilayah with Allah swt. Continue reading
Dream: ForceRêve: Force
In my dream I see that a man is trying to get closer to me. I have seen this type of dream thrice, first when I saw I just got up from my sleep.[fr]Dans mon rêve, je vois qu’un homme tente de se rapprocher de moi. J’ai vu ce genre de rêves deux fois, la première fois que je l’ai vu, je me suis tout de suite réveillé…[/fr] Continue reading
Golden mirrorMiroir doré
I dreamt thati was standing and facing this big mirror and it was very nice and was golden around it and i was looking at myself in the mirror seeing myself.[fr]J’ai rêvé que je me tenais debout face à un grand miroir magnifique dont le cadre était fait d’or et que je me regardais dans la glace, me voyant…[/fr] Continue reading
Wazeefa to purify rooh
Are there wazeefa, which we can read to purify our souls, heart, aql( intellect) and nafs so that we can achieve spiritual success? Continue reading