Tag Archives: sainthood
Invoking besides Allah others?
It is allowed as per Shaykh Nuh Ha Meem Keller to invoke Prophet s.a.w and awliya q.s for help? As per the correct intention we invoke through the high stations attached to their name before Allah s.w.t and not through their physical bodies. Continue reading
Dream : Seeing Gauth-e-Azam and Rasoolallah (s)
Once I had a dream that I was in a very dark place, it seemed like a place void of light. Continue reading
Can saints get wilaya without Prophet (s)
Question: Salaam alaykum.. 1. I wanted to know if it is possible to become a wali and ‘skip’ out the Prophet alayhi salaato wa salaam 2. Is it possible for someone to become a wali WITHOUT the permission of the … Continue reading
Dream: Kingdom and sainthood
I am a mureed of Sheikh Nazim. One day Sheikh Nazim told me I was going to be a… Continue reading
Prayer Request: We seem lost and need your advice and duas
We have had so many problems with health, finances, arguments, marriage breakdown and continual family breakdown and repeated problems. Continue reading
Dream: Surah FalaqRêve: Sourate Al Falaq
We were sitting in a class and my murshid were also there,, and there was a female/teacher who was listening to our recitation..girl next to me didnt know how to recite Surah Falaq (from her memory)..[fr]Nous étions assis dans une classe et mon maitre (Mourchide) était également présent, et il y avait un maitre qui était une femme et qui écoutait notre récitation. [/fr] Continue reading
General question about advice given by Awliya in dreams
I was wondering if Mawlana, or another person felt to be a waliAllah, gives advice to someone in a dream, does this mean that the advice is truly given by that guide to follow in real life? Continue reading