Tag Archives: Salat al-`Asr
Can you teach me the proper way to use miswak becose the shaykh lokman effendi said in his video sohbat that the prophet( saws ) use it other way that most of people use it. Continue reading
What is the reason to some daily prayers in loud voice and some silently?
On the five fard prayers of the day, why some are made silently, like zuhr and ‘asr , and some in loud voice, fajr, maghrib, ishaa? Continue reading
Dream: sora AL Waqia
1) I saw in my dream Quran in giant size. When I opened it, it was sora al waqia. Continue reading
1. Can zuhr namaz be read any time when it starts up to asr namaz or after jamat does it have to be read as qaza… Continue reading
Dream: Pears and Young Mawlana
I dreamt that my cousin and I were called by a young Sheikh Nazim (q) to follow him. It seemed like it was after the Asar prayer… Continue reading
Is sunnah prayers allow between Arshar and Margrib prayers?
Q: Please forgive me. Just really want to know if we can pray 2 rakaats of Sunnah Wudu prayers as well as Masjid prayers while waiting for the adzaan for Margrib? Continue reading
Dream: Prayer
I saw a dog and I ran to save myself. I enter a room and close the door just before the dog approaches me. Continue reading