Tag Archives: salat
Prayer Request: good g.p.a
I am doing Bachelors of Engineering in Mechanical. I am in my 5th semester. Continue reading
Q: Please can you give me a dua to help me to control my nafs and anger. I feel angry alot lately and over very minute things which is causing a strain on my relationship with my husband. I was never like this before. Continue reading
Break Wudu During Jamaat
Q: Can you advise please what would be the right thing to do if one’s wudu breaks whilst reading salaat with jamaat, particularly if one is in a long line? Continue reading
Praying behind Imam Wiping over Socks
Q: I have previously been advised that, while it is not our business to find the faults of others if we know that an Imam has wiped over his socks, or that it is his practise, it renders the salah behind him – according to this position – invalid. Continue reading
Reciting Quran during menses
Q: I am wondering if I can recite my daily awrad by mouth during this time or if I have to do it silently in the heart? Continue reading
New Islamic year’s instructions
Question: as-salamu alaykum ya sayyidi. we love u very much and have no words to thank u for ur endless efforts and guidance.. my question is related to a recent email that we recieved about Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s instructions for … Continue reading
Need a guide !
I am in a deep trouble. I do not consider myself as a good muslim. I am not a regular namazi, as for that matter a practising muslim ! Only thing that I believe I have are the Salawat that I recite on our Master, Sayyidna Muhammed s.a.w. love for Ahle Bayt and love for Awliyaullah ! Continue reading
Dream: seeing Prophet Muhammed (SAV)
In my dream Prophet Muhammed was healing a boy of adolesent age… Continue reading
Three kalimats after fard Salah
Q: I have a question concerning the three la il la ha il Allah ‘s that are read after the fard Salah and its origin. Continue reading
Dream of Sultanul Awliya
I have the desire to become a murid of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Haqqani. Alhamdulillah, I was blessed with a dream in which Sultanul Awliya was performing salaah in my house. Continue reading