Tag Archives: Shafi`i
I would like to ask about the status of horn according to the different madzhabs, especially according to the Shafi’i school… Continue reading
Is crab haram or makruh?
Is Crab haram or makruh? Can we have, if possible, the list of animals that are makruh?… Continue reading
Delay of `aqiqah
Q: Is it permissible for anyone who is unable to afford the price of two sheep at the time of ‘Aqiqah to slaughter only one sheep and delay slaughtering the second till it is possible? Continue reading
Seafood in Hanafi Madhab
I am writing to ask whether eating seafood, such as shrimps, is allowed in the Hanafi madhab??[fr]I am writing to ask whether eating seafood, such as shrimps, is allowed in the Hanafi madhab?? Continue reading
Shafi`i position on shellfish
Q: Wat is the position of Imam Shafi`i on eating shellfish?
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female circumcision
Q: I hear a lot about female circumcision in Islam and wondered why if women have to do it why is it not widespread among Muslim women, or is the practice of mainly Africans Egypt etc. Continue reading
Non-practicing husband
Q: My husband is Shi’a and I am Sunni of the Shafi’i school of thought. I am practicing but he and his family do not. However he is Mulsim and believes in Allah (swt) and the prophets and is sincerely a good person. Continue reading
Takbirat of Eid
There are two type of dhikr during Eid days… Which one is valid according to sunnah ? Continue reading
Make-up Prayers When Traveling
Q: When we travel 50 miles we only [pray] two rakats. Suppose we don’t do these rakats when we arrived at destination. We go back home. Do we then 2 or we do replace it with the normal number of fard rakaates? Continue reading