Tag Archives: Sham
Dream: Sunni Syrians will take over Al-Aqsa
Salam, I was riding a weird motorbike in what seemed like a mountain in a desert area, when I reached the end I got off the bike and I jumped from the edge but I had a mini helicopter that floated me all the way down safely… Continue reading
Karamat (Miracle) vs Magic
I was discussing with a Malaysian brother on the issue of karamat and black magic. He was saying that its hard to distinguish the two… Continue reading
Moving from KSA- Urgent
according to the last suhbat by Mawlana Shiekh NAZIM AL HAKKANI,… Continue reading
3 signs time to panic
We understand that Sultan Awliya is leaving for Hajj this coming Nov and that in the near future Muharram which is in Dec, Istanbul will have a huge earthquake. Continue reading
Safety from dajjal
Recently I stumbled across Mawlana Sheikh Hisham’s book “The Approach of Armageddon”. Continue reading
Dream: Dream Of Shaykh Ibrahim Al Yaqoubi
I had a dream last night where I saw Shaykh Ibrahim Al Yaqoubi and I was sitting next to them and their face was illuminated… Continue reading
Sufiyani tribe
Has MSH talk about Sufiyani tribe ? Who are they and have they already appeared before the coming of Imam Mehdi (a.s). Continue reading