Tag Archives: sohba suhbat
Dream: Habib Ali Jifri
I have a brother and sister who are both younger than me. My sister 18 years old sister had this dream last year. She dreamt that three of us were in a room with Habib Ali Jifri… Continue reading
Mawlana’s Views about Buddhism
II want to know what are Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s views about Buddhism and the people who practice it. Continue reading
Uncertainty, Nine Points in Heart
I have been exploring the Naqshbandi Tariqa for some time. I have had a very positive experience with Maulana Hisham Kabbani, and the murshids… Continue reading
Qur’anic Verse about Angels wearing Turbans
Dear Brothers and Sisters, in one of Scheich Nazims Sohbets (Sohbet 6. April 2011) was spoken that the angels are wearing turbans… Continue reading
English Quran Translation
Would you please recommend some English Quran translations.There are many out there which are very divisive ie from different groups/opinions…. Continue reading
Doubtful and Worried about Shaykh
I have followed Maulana for some time, but my knowledge is not so great, especially concerning the spiritual history of the sheikh, but there is something that troubles me… Continue reading
hazrat mehdi
AOA. happy eid to u and you family. special SALAM to MSH.
sir i want to ask that is this in view of this sohba found
As hazrat Mahdi pbuh is coming this hajj less then 100 days are left. so it means with in 100 days war will happen Continue reading
Judgment day
I am fearful of our Lord. How do I prepare for me and my family when the Prophet Isa peace be upon him come back to this world?… Continue reading