Tag Archives: sorcery
Distinguishing between Black Magic and Prophetic Miracle
How can we distinguish between a real Mu’jiza and a strange event performed through sorcery? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Sunnah
Tagged black magic, karama, miracle, sihr, sorcery, witchcraft
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Prayer Request: Love Potion
I got married in Morocco with a cousin of my mother who refused this marriage… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged Protection of mashaykh, sihr, sorcery
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Karamat (Miracle) vs Magic
I was discussing with a Malaysian brother on the issue of karamat and black magic. He was saying that its hard to distinguish the two… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ayn, `ilm al-ghayb, `ulama, abracadabra, angelic support, awliyuallah, bamboozling, bandish, charlatans, clairvoyance, con, con artist, conjurer, Dajjal, diabolist, dishonorable acts, divination, diviner, evil eye, fake, fradulent act, fraud, Friends of Allah, ghayb, hidden idolatry, hocus-pocus, holy person, idolalter, imposter, intuition, invisible, jinx, kafir jinn, Karamat, kashf, keen perception, knowers, knowledge of the unseen, marvel, miracles, miraculous powers, necromancy, obi, omen, phony, practicing magic, seer, Sham, shaman, shamanist, shenanigans, soothsayer, sorcery, tales, tickery, treacherous, trickster, unseen realm, voodoo, wali, witch doctor, wizard, wizardry, wonder
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Harut and Marut
I want asked story about angel of harut and marut…..I really confused story about angel harut and marut….why Allah send them to the world. Continue reading
Posted in Qur'an & Tafsir
Tagged afterlife, black magic, desire, devil, Divine Purpose, Divine Will, dunya, evil, freedom of choice, human will, intention, irada, kufr, magic, sihr, sorcery, temptation, test, trial, unbelief, wizardry
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