Tag Archives: students
Prayer Request: For my kids.
I have 2 boys in primary school, [private] is 11 years old and he is in year 5. [private] … Continue reading
Prayer Request: Shukran Ya Seyyedi
By the grace of Allah SWT and your prayers my coaching (transformational) program for youth to enable them to join civil services… Continue reading
Dream: In school
I was in my previous home with my classmates in the garden. The principal comes and tells us about how she has arranged this garden… Continue reading
Dream: Black cloth falling from the sky
Dream: Salams, I dreamt that I was travelling to see Sheikh Nazim, then a black cloth fell from the sky, I then said ‘subhanalla‘ and was allowed to go in to see Sheikh Nazim. I went into a white room, … Continue reading
Prayer Request: Focusing while praying
I’ve been told that the only way of my dua being accepted is for me to pray with intensity and full focus and concentration… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Well-Being of Family
Please pray for my family’s well-being, especially my brother who is a target of hatred and envy… Continue reading