Tag Archives: verses
Healing Verses from the Holy Qur’an and Hadiths
I bought some days ago the book “Healing verses from the Holy Quran and Hadith” in which Mawlana Hisham Kabbani (may Allah give him long life with health) says that when we are sick, we have to ask a Wali to give us du’a Continue reading
Muhkamaat and mutashabihaat
Referring to verse no .7 of Sura e Aal e Imran ,which verses are Muhkamaat… Continue reading
Taweez (continued)
My apologies for continuing the question but please advise the permissibility of… Continue reading
Dream: Sister who came back to Islam
I had a dream of a sister who in life left Islam and but as far as I know now she has returned back to Islam… Continue reading
Dream: Jummuah at Lefke
I dreamt about being in Lefke at Jummuah prayer, but it wasn’t Mawlana’s mosque, it was a different room, less light, less decoration, rustic, a few people were also there,.. Continue reading
Dream: Istikara dreamRêve: Rêve de Istikara
A while back I did estikara prayer to see if moving to another country was a good idea.I dreamt I was taking off on a aeroplane to my destination where I wanted to live,all of a sudden the plane went down slowly,I thought it was going to crash but it was,it softly and slowly lowered itself…[fr]Il y a quelque temps, j’ai fait la prière de estikara pour savoir si déménager dans un autre pays était une bonne idée…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: stars
asselamu aleykum dear mevlana make dua for us. dear mevlana, i so lots of stars on the sky,all diffrent types and the were mouving like clouds. Continue reading
what some orientalist says
Below are some links to what some orientalist has said about some verses of the Qur’an,… Continue reading →