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Author Archives: Imam Kamau Ayyubi
Dream: Garden and rocks
I was in a country house and remeber this beautiful garden, one like I have never seen before. I remember admiring the beauty but seeing some large rocks. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged adornment, arrangement, ation, beard, brother, continuation, dress, garden, image, piety, prepar, rocks, sincerity, sister-in-law, spiritual, turban
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Dream: QuraanRêve : Coran
Dreamt in ramadaan that 1 elderly man from the local masjid passed away reading quraan just before fajr salaah and I was called to his home to see him. [fr]J’ai rêvé pendant le mois de ramadan qu’un homme âgé, de la mosquée locale,[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: LOVE VIBESRêve: Témoignage d’Amour pour le Cheikh
IT FELT LIKE CYPRUS AND MASHALLAH LOTS OF SHEIKH NAZIM’S MUREEDS WERE THERE…[fr]Salam, on se sentait comme à Chypre et mashaAlllah il y avait de nombreux mureeds de Sheikh Nazim. [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged connection, finger, green, heart, hug, knees, love, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mureed, murid, robot, silah, sincerity, spelled out, toy, vibrations
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Rêve: Témoignage d’Amour pour le Cheikh
Dream: On a bridgeRêve: Sur un pont
I dreamt that I was standing on a bridge under which a river was flowing and on the middle most of the bridge there is a place where we have to recite Durood… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Bridge, darood, gift, river, salawat, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), sirat al-mustaqeem, straight path
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Rêve: Sur un pont
Dream: Seeing Mawlana Rumi as a spirit among his mureeds
I had a dream of a Zikr association and a Shaykh which I couldn’t recognize was sitting at the top. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged association, colorless, dhikr, dhikr gathering, glass, looking, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mureeds, Sayyidina Jalaluddin Rumi, spirit, spiritual power
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Dream: PrayingRêve: En prière
I dreamed 2 days back that it’s raining heavily. I go to my balcony, cover my head with a cloth and raise my hands and pray to Allah[fr]Il y a deux jours, j’ai rêvé qu’il pleuvait abondamment. En allant sur mon balcon, j’ai couvert ma tête avec un tissu et J’ai levé mes mains pour invoquer Allah…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged cousin's sister, cover, envy, generosity, head, jealousy, kajal, kohl, mercy, prayer, protection, rain, sister
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Rêve: En prière
Dream: In wordsRêve : Sous forme de mots
1.”You are a blessing to people”. I saw this in word form. I dreamed this over 10 years ago when with another Shaykh.[fr]1.”Tu es une bénédiction pour les gens”…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged blessing, forgiveness, heedlessness, majesty, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mercy, people, phrases, punishment, stomach, warning, wrat of God
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Rêve : Sous forme de mots
Dream: About 7Rêve: le chiffre 7
I am in a place where there are many old trees. I’m standing near the most high and oldest of the trees.[fr]Je suis dans un endroit ou il y a plusieurs vieux arbres. Je me tiens debout près de l’arbre le plus vieux et le plus haut…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, awliyaullah, class, cloth, exam, friends, high, love of Allah, old, Prophet Muhammad (s), pure deeds, pure words, souls, tariqah, teacher, tree, trees, whirl, whirling
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Rêve: le chiffre 7
Permission to guide dhikrQuestion: Permission de diriger le Zikr
Q: I’m a Shia and I’ve take Baya’t 3 years ago from a shaykh of maulana. in my zone there are nobody that make Dhikr, and I’ve make a little gathering of Shias Brother to make Dhikr…[fr]Je suis Shiite et j’ai pris la bayat il y’a de cela 3 ans par un Shaykh de Mawlana…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged baya`, CD, congregational dhikr, dhikr, gathering, initiation, Khatm Khwajagan, loud, loud dhikr, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Shi`a
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Question: Permission de diriger le Zikr