Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
Dream: Changing room
In my dream we were in a changing room and she was in the cubicle opposite me. Continue reading
Dream: Mahdi (a)
I dreamed there is a huge crowd of people yelling, “Mahdi (a) is here!” Continue reading
Prayer Request: For my beloved brother
Please pray for my beloved eldest brother who is in the hospital now and also to his family for patience always. Continue reading
Prayer Request: To pass my exams, Insh Allah
I want to ask for a prayer request for my exams on Tuesday and Thursday[fr]I want to ask for a prayer request for my exams on Tuesday and Thursday[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Rassouloullah(sallaualayhi wasalam)
” I cleaned my cellar and a person ,whom I knew, arrived and said to me « Your baby is dead ». Continue reading
Advice but it will Hurt Parent’s feelings?
My dad has a narrow opinion of everything. Continue reading
Dream: In Shaykh Nazim’s house
I find myself in Shaykh Nazim’s house. I see it’s been changed.. an extra room that looks like a shop, selling a few things. Continue reading
Dream: Ayatul Kursi and Surats 112-114
I was being followed by a black bird walking behind me. Continue reading