Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Is he jinn or a wali?
is he jin ? or awliya ?

I had a strange experience when I was 17. It happened 8 years ago in Ramadhan… Continue reading

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is he jin ? or awliya ?

Seeing Sultan /prayer request
seeing sultan /prayer request

, I have been seeing Sultan a lot the past week …in reality, not dream.. he will appear then will go… Continue reading

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seeing sultan /prayer request

Dream: Wedding day

Sayidi I recently asked for you to pray for me regarding marriage. Thank you for your reply.. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: I am sick and scared

Can you please pray for me? I am very sick and scared… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Fear of people
terror fear

My name is [private], I’m an English convert and I’m Shyakh Nazim’s murid. When I was 4 up until now my life has been in abnormal fear… Continue reading

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terror fear

Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and tariqa question
Imam Mahdi (as)+ tariqa question

1) I live in the UK and was wondering that when Imam Mahdi (as) appears, where would be the best places to move to: Syria? Madina? Cyprus? Continue reading

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Imam Mahdi (as)+ tariqa question

Prayer Request: Travelling to see Mawlana

This is my first time I shall be going to Cyprus to visit Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. Please do dua that I have the opportunity to see Mawlana and talk to him. Continue reading

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where is my marriage heading??

I got married 5 months ago. Me and my husband are completely averse to one another.[fr]I got married 5 months ago. Me and my husband are completely averse to one another.[/fr] Continue reading

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Which of these dua should I recite?

I am in serious trouble Maulana sahab. I like someone and that person is not talking to me because of a certain misunderstanding… Continue reading

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Possessed?? Please Urgent.

My brother was possessed in the past… Current symptoms are: spends most of time praying, not much human contact, rarely speaks…[fr]My brother was possessed in the past. His behavior got so bad that he cursed God and at times tried to commit suicide. [/fr] Continue reading

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