Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Interest received on savings account with bank

Q: In what ways can we use the money received as interest on a savings account with bank. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: heavenly support

I’m hubmly asking,for all of creations wether they want it or need it we need heavenly support we forget to ask for it, we need to love sheik nazim, not that fake love but real stuff love. Continue reading

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Q: I just wanted to ask, is it permissible to wear perfume that contains alcohol in it Continue reading

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Sihr, jinn, Lefke?

I am asking regarding a prescription that I got for my brother’s jinn-siher problem. I did it but I think the case is extremly hard and I am too weak, there is no change so far… Continue reading

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Replace Taweez

If our local center has run out of stock for taweez, may we order it onlline? Or is it effective if we print it online and wear on our neck also? Continue reading

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Prayer Request: dua to make him melt and wife to recover

Please make dua for my brother-in-law. He’s a very stubborn, strict, demanding person who is holding his wife from seeing her family for the last 15 years. Continue reading

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Q: if a person reads the message and sees that he also has a similar problem, can he too do the same zikr? Continue reading

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the lottery

Q: I would to know if one can ask for Allah help to win the lottery and if one wins can he or she use the money to go for Umrah or Hajj as the person concern is not rich but like very to take the family for Umrah or Hajj. Continue reading

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Delay of `aqiqah

Q: Is it permissible for anyone who is unable to afford the price of two sheep at the time of ‘Aqiqah to slaughter only one sheep and delay slaughtering the second till it is possible? Continue reading

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Swallowing phlegm break fast?

Q: Does swallowing phlegm break the fast? Continue reading

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