Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui
Dream: vision of rasulallah and awliya
I Was walking In To a gathering like I usually do but in this gathering was peculiar as soon as I walked in I heard tala’al badru alayna being recited and in the room all I could see is shuyukh awliya saliheen and pious people… Continue reading
Dream: Vision of Rasulallah
I was walking with the the Prophet Muhammad (s) peace be upon him after greeting them and i shyly held their hand and they smiled at me this made me happy we walked and the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon gave him salam to Abu Bakr Siddiq Continue reading
Allah’s anger
Q: Is it wrong to believe that Allah is angry with you? for the sins that you commited. Continue reading
Dream: Seeing animals during salat
Question: Salams to dear Shaykh, A couple of years ago before I took bay’at, I dreamt that I was doing Salat in an old hut with large carpets and I was facing an open window. I was performing either zuhur/Asr … Continue reading
Relation to my mom
Q: Since I’m around 16 years old, I decided to begin a relation with my mom (my parents separated i had around 2-3 years old and no relation with her after 4 or 5 years old, … Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Maulana Sheikh Nazim
Since becoming a mureed of Maulana in the Summer of 2010, and that after much hesitation and reluctance, I have seen him in my dreams several times, even though I will say that I am not a very good mureed as I find it quite a challenge to do all that a good mureed should do, however, I try to do what I feel is within my abilities. Continue reading
Dream: Wild Cats Attacking
Over the past 2/3 months I am having dreams of cats and big cats wanting to attack me feircelly. Continue reading
Seeing Mawlana Shaykh
Sayyidi, when i close my eyes to imagine Mawlana Shaykh Nazim(q), i see him with his beautiful eyes closed. Does it mean anything? or is it just a wiswas? Continue reading
Dream: Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r) & Sayyidina `Ali (r)
The night I came back from umrah I dreamt that I went to a great hall filled with pious men. When the crowd dispersed I sat in front in a chair and two men came and sat facing me. I became speechless when I saw them and all I could manage to say was: “Assalaamualaikum, Hazrat Abu Bakr, you have a beautiful face!” and “Assalaamu alaikum, Hazrat Ali, you too have a beautiful face!” Continue reading
Dream: entering to special place
..We find ourselves on a very highly situate terrace overlooking a wide beautiful landscape from up high as far as the eye can reach. Right near the entrance there is Maulana Sheikh Nazim at a younger age… Continue reading