Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of dreams. Note answers may be limited due to the quantity of requests.

Dream: RasoolAllah (s) in my Umrah

I went to do Umrah. I saw glass doors which were not opening. Continue reading

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Dream: Children and figs

I dreamed that I was at a table with children and we were planning to do crafts and we were all excited. Continue reading

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Dream: Adultery

I am very ashamed to have this dream but I keep having the same type of dream for many nights now. Continue reading

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Dream: Salat with Syeich Hisham

Initially, I often join Naqshabandi Zikr ceremony and biidznillah, last month I met with Syeich Hisham for the 2nd time in some public event. Continue reading

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Dream: Dying and floating

My husband dreamed that he was shot and as he fell he had a floating sensation that he says made him feel at peace. Continue reading

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Dream: Seeing Mawlana Shaykh Abdullah Dagistani

In this dream, I’m at an event with my brother, and we meet an Israeli couple that we met previously in real life… Continue reading

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Dream: Unknown women in my presence
Rêve: Femmes inconnues en ma présence

I dreamt that i was in a house with two people which I know, I do not hang around with these people. there were three girls in the house with us, two of the girls were wearing a headscarf and was one was not,[fr]J’ai rêvé que j’étais dans une maison avec 2 personnes que je connais, mais que je ne fréquente pas. Il y avait 3 filles dans la maison avec nous,…[/fr] Continue reading

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Rêve: Femmes inconnues en ma présence

Dream: Holding white flag

I am 32 years old single male, I had a dream that I am standing on ground holding white flag ,then I hear someone says “its not yours” I leave flag and walk away , Continue reading

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حلم بدون تفسير

حلم السلام عليكم شيخ جبريل حداد لم يكن باءمكاني قراءة الحلم الذي تحت عنوان *حلم مع شيخ ناظم* فهل تتكرم حضرتك وتنظر مالسبب في ذلك حتى أتمكن من قراءة التفسير. جازاكم الله الخير السلام عليكم Answer: See post “حلم مع … Continue reading

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Rêve: Sourate Al Falaq

Nous étions assis dans une classe et mon maitre (Mourchide) était également présent, et il y avait un maitre qui était une femme et qui écoutait notre récitation. Continue reading

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