Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of dreams. Note answers may be limited due to the quantity of requests.

Dream: Sheikh Nazim and my dua

Dream: I always prayed to Allah sincerely from the bottom of my heart to accept my prayer, and one night I had a dream about my dua and Sheikh Nazim Saib came to my house and I greeted him by … Continue reading

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Dream: Prophet (s) and saints

Then when I was eigtheen, I dream of the mazar of Khawja Moinudeen Chisti in India, thought I have never been to India, I dream of a person dressed in white and he was telling me it is your time to join the tariqa. Continue reading

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Dream: Seeing Sheikh Nazim!

Dream: Assalam-o-alaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barkatuhu! I had a dream an year before! I saw that I’m in a family function,there I saw an old man (who is a waliullah and I actually know him because he is a relative … Continue reading

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حلم مع شيخ هشام

الحلم السلام عليكم شيخ هشام حلمت كنت على متن السيارة فرأيت جنود الشيطان يعذّبون بشر وينكّلون بهم فقمت بمساعدة الناس وأنقذتهم من براثن الشيطان ومساعديه.بعد ذلك رحت على محطة بنزين فأحسست أنّه مكان آمن ثمّ رأيت العديد من مريدين مولانا … Continue reading

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Dream: Grandshaykh Abdullah

I had a dream a while back in which I saw Sheikh Abdul Faiz Dagistani he was in the doorway of an Islamic shop and from what I gathered he was sewing a tasbeeh together, I approached him and he handed me a broken bead of the tasbeeh it was wooden and round and I took it of him… Continue reading

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Dream: go to castle

I go to big castle and much army here…they protect my self. i walk to level 3 and other people take me to the place of solat prayer…at the sajadah..I saw a knife be there Continue reading

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Dream: Jinn?

The other night while I was sleeping, I dreamt that a person covered in black clothes head to toe jumped out in front of me, I then hit him and ran away, after that I ended up in a pitch black street and called upon ya gaus alzam dastagar, while I was dreaming, my wife was laying next time wide awake because she couldnt sleep, I made a little scream in my sleep… Continue reading

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Dream: Seeing Sheikh Nazim

Dream: ASSALAMUALIKUM YA SAYADI actually i like a lady and we sent proposal for marriage with her but there are many problems.BUT I HOPE WITH MADAD OF MY SHEIKH IT WILL SORT OUT. i saw dream that lady was in … Continue reading

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Dream: Green Wreath

I am writing on behalf of our sister and friend who saw in her dream 2 days ago another sister and friend in Tariqah dressing her head with a green wreath made of plant leaves and dressing her shoulders with a green wrap like fur or scarf made of green leaves. Continue reading

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Dream: Dajjal and Mahdi

I had a dream in which I heard Mawlana Shaykh Nazim or Mawlana Shaykh Hisham say «We will show you Mahdi». Continue reading

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