Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Fatiha after Zikr
In our zikr group once the zikr is over and Fatiha has been said in a standing circle by the zikr leader, we ask for personal Fatihas, Continue reading
Hair Mubarak of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
I have a beautiful important request/question. Continue reading
Congregation vs being alone
I know that in the Naqshbandi Tariqa, one of the important things are congregation. Continue reading
Advice and spiritual direction in cleaning my lower self and its desires
Sayyidi, forgive me for asking, but I have had my dream interpreted and this was the interpretation: Continue reading
Head covering during awradCouvrir les cheveux pendant l’awrad
would be so grateful if you could advise as to whether ladies need to cover their hair during the daily awrad if reciting alone at home. [fr]Je serai vraiment reconnaissant si vous pouviez m’informer à ce sujet : les femmes doivent-elles se couvrir les cheveux pendant leur awrad…[/fr] Continue reading
about zikr and wasawis
Since I find it difficult to read it once completely without any break, I do zikr of Allah, Allah 1500 times, Salawaat ash’ sharifa for that day at some other time. Continue reading
Control of heartbeat and breath
Question: Assalaamu alaikum, Dear Shaykh, I would like to know if there is a method for controlling my breathing and heartbeat. I notice that most of the time my breathing is out of control and I struggle then to make … Continue reading
Déjà vu – Islamic Perspective
Does the concept of “Déjà vu” exist in Islam, whereby one feels sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, Continue reading
Dervish Trip
My intention is to travel and get Tariqa way, leaving behind me everything, like a dervish… Continue reading