Tag Archives: anti-Messiah
Nephilium, demons, jinn-human hybrid
What are nephilium, aliens, vampires. or illuminati created this myth or these are jewish & christian beliefs??? E.g., christian beliefs that angels too fall.. Continue reading
End of Times
I’m a little confused with the timescales from the appearance of Mahdi (as) to Dajjal and then Isa (as)… Continue reading
Surah al khaf
could you please guide how to protect oneself from the dajjal, you have mentioned on a numerous occasions that memorising the first ten iyats of surah al khaf Continue reading
3 questions
1-What is meant by “believer”? Does it mean anybody who says shahaadah?… Continue reading
Dream: Impostoring shaytaan in a beautiful garden
After fajr whilst in wudu and falling asleep praying for someone who’s in hospital. I dream I’m in beautiful garden outside… Continue reading
Dream: Standing close to me
A friend of mine had a dream, of Sheik Nazim (may Allah give him long life and good health) standing behind him,… Continue reading
Dream: Offering from Dajaal
asalaamwale kum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu dear blessed Mawlana Shaykh Hisham and all eShaykh staff, i am a Mureeda and know a sister who is NOT a mureeda. She had a dream that we were both walking and someone came to us offering us something (she got the feeling in the dream that it was the dajaal). the sister took it and was walking but when he asked me to also take it i refused and on seeing that the sister gave it back to him and felt better. Continue reading
Dream: 2dreams- seeking protection from bad ones and increase of good one
I was outside in the open against a large ston-ish rock using another hand-sized rock to cut my unusually straight long black hair by rubbing my hair with the small rock against the larger one. Continue reading