Tag Archives: association
Husband has friendships with women
Does Islam permit male and female friendships? Continue reading
Nabi’s (s.a.w.) method of teaching
After receiving part of al Qur’an, and installed it within himself, he (s.a.w.) disbursed it further to his (s.a.w.) sahabas… Continue reading
English Quran Translation
Would you please recommend some English Quran translations.There are many out there which are very divisive ie from different groups/opinions…. Continue reading
Shia’s attack on Hadrath Abdullah Ibn Umar (ra)
Shia’s coat a Hadith of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 88, Number227; Narrated Nafi: When the people of Medina dethroned Yazid bin Muawiya…. Continue reading
daily awrad
I took online baya and started my daily awrad.
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Dream: Sheikh Abu Yazid al-Bistami
I saw a man in my dream who seemed very happy and was smiling at me… Continue reading
Dream: hazrat abu baker r.a
I saw in a dream that I’m attending the majlis of sheikh Asif Hussain Farooqi Naqshbandi Mujaddidi d.b… Continue reading
Dream: Meeting a bazoorag (older man wearing a turban)
I recently had a dream where I met an older man with a turban but I did not recognise who it was, may be Shaykh Nazim?… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Mawlana Rumi as a spirit among his mureeds
I had a dream of a Zikr association and a Shaykh which I couldn’t recognize was sitting at the top. Continue reading