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Tag Archives: awliya
Prayer Request: Legal problems and Taqwa
My concern has to do with a legal issue that me and my mother are experiencing… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged astaghfirullah, awliya, baya`, crime, Divine Decree, doubt, dunya pursuits, duplex, faith, financial issues, government assistance, group dhikr, illegal, iman, law, legal issue, mother, qadar, rent, sadaqa, saints, salawat, Shaytan, taqwa, wazifa, weak in faith, weakness
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Dream: The most powerful love
I was fleeing from what I thought were a band of Muslim zealots. I was riding on horseback through a desert… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, cave, chase, desert, embrace, extremists, falsehood, fear, heart, Heavenly Love, horse, horseback, hug, love, love connection, meditate, Muslim zealots, Naqshbandi Shaykhs, saints, terrified, turban, white beard, white robe
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Meaning of name
I recieved the spiritual name Jafar, but I donĀ“t know the meaning of the name… Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged animal, awliya, flow, Ja`far, little river, milk, Naqshbandi Golden Chain, Naqshbandi Masters, reveal, river, saints, Sayyidina Ali, Sayyidina Ja`far as-Sadiq, Sayyidina Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r), shaykh, sustenance
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Jalaal state
I wanted to ask you what is “jalaal”. I read many awliya were very jalaal and had extremly jalaal eyes,… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged awliya, beauty, eyes, Jalal, Jalali, Jamal, Jamali, love, manifest, Might, overwhelmed, power, rank, saints, Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Jilani, Sayyidina Khalid al-Baghdadi, state of
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Dream: Sayyiduna Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani RA
1.I saw a snake which tried to bite me, but I placed my hand in the way and felt no fear of it… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, bad characteristics, bite, black figures, car, coming events, connection, dunya, family, fear, future events, ghawth, hand, hawa, Last Days, overcome, possessed, Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Jilani, Shaytan, shop, snake, snake bite, terror
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Dream: Mawlana and Angels
After almost being asleep after fajr salat, but not fully asleep yet, I don’t know if I was asleep or not, but I heard Mawlana say:… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angels, aqtab, awliya, command, Divine commands, Divine protection, faithful following, five, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, qutb, salat al-Fajr, sofa, Sultan al-Awliya, writing
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Dream: Eating at a table with Mawlana Nazim
I had a dream that I was eating in the table with Mawlana Nazim and Hajjah Naziha came to Mawlana telling him that Sheikh Hisham had passed away… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, die before death, eating, Hajjah Naziha, hidden, Jabal Qaf, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mountain, passed away, spiritual gifts, stressed, table
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Dream: Shaykh Nazim
I had a dream before fajr. Basically I saw Shiekh Nazim. I was sitting at his feet, may Allah give him a long life… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, baya`, correct, hand, istighfar, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, obey Allah, obey awliya, obey Prophet, obey Shaykh, refuse, reject
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Dream: Salafi Father, Siraat and Surat Al-Kawthar
My father doesn’t want to speak to me after I asked him to peacefully discuss that I’m Sufi and he’s Wahabi… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged al-Rabb, awliya, basmala, basmalah, black, Bridge, brother, father, intercession, jannah, laptop, red, Sirat, sirat al-mustaqeem, Sufi, Surat al-Fatiha, Surat al-Kawthar, treasure, Wahabi
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