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Tag Archives: bank
HELP -not mureed
This mail addressed to Mawlana Sheikh Hisham –hafidahu allah. I am not mureed, but I am zero person that love you all and appreciate very much your heart and efforts each day and moment (all the mashaiekhs and mureeds) –I am not good like the mureeds, I am taking a lot of sins and may Allah forgive me and make me better inshaallah. Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged bank, bay al-maal, interest, loan, Naqshbandi Sufi Way
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Job in Investment Banking
I have been thinking of leaving [Investment Bank] because of interest. even though I don’t deal with interest but I read some scholars say that even working as a janitor at a bank is haraam. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged bank, interest, Islamic banking system, riba
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Need advice
We need your advice. We want to buy a house, but not sure if that house is good for… Continue reading
Working in Banking software making company
Is working in a software company which deals with banking softwares haram ?… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged bank, banking software, calculate, company, disliked, functionss, halal, haram, impermissible, interest, knowledge of, permissibility, purpose, riba, riba-based transactions, software, sole purpose, unknown, validity, working
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Ruling about interest
Previously I read a post here in which it was said that fixed deposit is interest… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged bank, currency, earning, fixed deposit, haram, interest, Islamic bank, non-Islamic bank, profit, savings certificate, value
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Receiving Income from buying and selling stocks
I recently opened an online trading account on TD Ameritrade to buy and sell stocks in the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged bank, halal, haram, interest, interest-based bank, NASDAQ, New York Stock Exchange, profit, riba, shares, stock price, stocks, trading account, usury
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Permissibility of Bank Account
Can one have a bank account? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged bank, checking, savings
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Prayer Request: For a Job Interview.
Please can you pray for me as I have a Interview for a job with a Bank, I have wanted this Opportunity for a long time, If you pray for me this will be much appreciated Inshallah. Continue reading
“Permissibility of conventional mortgage under necessity”
Q: Is it permitted to buy a house using a normal bank mortgage? Continue reading
home mortgage
Q: For those living in the west is there permissibility to purchase a house with a standard mortgage? Continue reading