Tag Archives: black
Dream: Seeing a woman wearing all black
In a dream last night, my wife dreamt that she saw a woman wearing totally black outfit with only her eyes uncovered. She was so upset that she cried, not knowing that black in Islam represents goodness. Continue reading
Dream: Maulana
I had a dream that I was with Sayidi Maulana Shaykh Nazim in their house in… Continue reading
Dream: Istikharah for taking a tariqat
I got offer for tariqat and am confused to take it or not,… Continue reading
Dream: Giving £1 to celeb for charity
I had a dream few months ago about a boy (suengho-korean celeb who’s not Muslim)…. Continue reading
Dream: Istikhaara for Marriage
I was wearing a red gown in a street at night accompanied by strangers and went shopping… Continue reading
Dream: black curly Horns coming out from the soulders
The dream is about my brother Usman and my sister had this dream… Continue reading
Dream: Sun Rising from the West
A couple of years ago I had a dream within a dream. I fell asleep after fajr-prayer… Continue reading
Dream: In a gathering with other women and both my parents
One woman there asked me why can’t Kate’s (the wife of Prince William) mother keep her original father’s name… Continue reading