Tag Archives: child
Zakat for youngster
If someone gifts/sets aside gold for their children who are young, do they still pay zakat for it? Or is the zakat fardh only when the child reaches puberty? Continue reading
Prayers when pregnant
What are the prayers that SNH(q) recommend when one is pregnant. Continue reading
Married to a non-Muslim man
I’m hoping the Shaykh can offer some advice that I can pass on to a friend… Continue reading
Dream: Dog, wasp and cigarette
1. In my living room at home I see a pet dog there with me. A brown dog with large… Continue reading
Dream: My own wedding
I saw my own wedding dream twice. I’m in wedding suit. All guests happy… Continue reading
Dream: Tulips on my Pregnant Wife’s Belly
My wife who is pregnant dreamt that there were drawings of tulips and roses on her belly with some Arabic scriptures above… Continue reading
Dream: Baby and cats
My husband keeps dreaming of babies. Last night he had a dream that we had a child of about 1 year and there were two cats… Continue reading