Tag Archives: children

Prayer Request: nasiha for my marriage

I am married for 4 years. Since a year ago we have been living in separate places, because of jobs /bad finances. Continue reading

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How to make my husband perfect Muslim

Q: How I have to teach my husband to become a perfect Muslim because sometimes I have stressful with my take my kids Continue reading

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Dream: Should I stop meeting the woman I dreamt about?

The hostess at a party ignores me when I tell her about the miraculous rescue of the miners. I go past a pond with black water near which is a beach and ocean. The hostess looks old and sits naked in the pond while her husband swims naked. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: depressed son

My son needs help. He is 25 years old, has a sharp brain, intelligence, is extremely sensitive, aware, sweet, has been hurt emotionally much. Continue reading

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Dream: Vision of Rasulallah

I was walking with the the Prophet Muhammad (s) peace be upon him after greeting them and i shyly held their hand and they smiled at me this made me happy we walked and the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon gave him salam to Abu Bakr Siddiq Continue reading

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Forced Marriage

Q: Sayyedi I have been married since the age of 16, I did not want to get married to my cousin but my father said he wanted to see me get married before he passes away, as he was very ill for the honour of my father I married my cousin, I have not felt no attraction to her at all,…[fr]Q: Sayyedi I have been married since the age of 16, I did not want to get married to my cousin but my father said he wanted to see me get married before he passes away, as he was very ill for the honour of my father I married my cousin, I have not felt no attraction to her at all,…[/fr] Continue reading

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a vision

It was a vision as though I was between awake and sleeping. I was whirling I wanted to put my arm in the whirling position but when I look down to see, my hands were already in the position. Continue reading

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Guidelines for Raising Children

Q: In Islam how are parents expected to bring their children up, what guidance should they provide? Continue reading

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Children in the Hereafter

Q: Are children who die before the age of puberty tested on the Day of Judgment and sent to heaven or hell…?

A: There are nine views or more on the issue of the children of non-Muslims… Continue reading

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Women and Mosque Attendance

Q: Would you please mention the adab (etiquette) of women attending the mosque?

A:…Women should be assertive in forming regular women’s meetings at their local mosques to study Islam and to discuss Islamic solutions to women’s issues… Continue reading

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