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Tag Archives: companions
Sufi and Shia beliefs
I see no real difference in Sufi concept to the Shia one vis a vis referring to Ahlul Bayt. I also understand that all Sufi orders go back to Imam Ali… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, companions, love of Ahl al-Bayt, name, Naqshband Golden Chain, Shia beliefs
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Hadrah in Hadith
Please can you provide us with some insight as to how the hadrah started, it historical context and what are the positions of the Ahlu s-Sunnah wa ‘l-jama’ah… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, History, Sufism (Tasawwuf), Sunnah
Tagged `ulama, Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jama`ah, Anas ibn Malik, authentic, chain of authority, chains of transmission, circles, companions, dancing, duff, hadith narration, hadith scholar, hadra, happy dancing, Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal, Imam Bukhari, joy, jumping, love of Prophet (s), Prophet Muhammad (s), raqs, Rasulullah (s), Sahih Bukhari, Sayyidina `Ali (r), singing, spiritual dance
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For Shaykh Gibril
In Siyar A’alaam an-Nubulaa, it is mentioned in the beginning of each account whom they relate from and who relates from them. Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged biographies, companions, hadith, Siyar A'alaam an-Nubula
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Follow up question:Sending Salawat on Muhammad(Saw)
In your reply to my previous question you stated that the short form is what the Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) mostly used,… Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged aal, Ahl al-Bayt, children, companions, family, form, hadith, progeny, Prophet Muhammad (s), Sahaba, salawat, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), wives
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Sending Salawat on Muhammad(Saw)
I want to ask that what is the origin of sending the short form of salat on Prophet(Saw) , which is Sallahu Alaihi wasallam… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, companions, Divine command, hadith, Holy Qur'an, narration, Sahaba, salawat, scholars, short form, Sunnah, teachings
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I converted to Islam a few years back. My sister has tried to be interested in Islam but never wanted to understand it… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged bashing, black magic, broken heart, companions, convert, Day of Judgment, distance, faith, fear, forgive, humility, ignorant, ill speech, Islam, mock, pull away, punishment, reject, responsible, Sahaba, sister, stronger, topic, weakening of faith
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Dua Al Badri or Al badr?
I have a question in regards to something, what is Dua Al Badr or Al Badri? I heard someone speak of it… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged awakening, Battle of Badr, companions, consequences, du`a, fought, haram, names, praiseworthy, recite, Sahaba, sleep, supplication, victory
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Sunnah of the Turban and Walking Stick
I have read a couple of sources with regards to the turban. As previously mentioned, the sunnah of the turban is to wear it with a qalansuwwa… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged adab, angels, beardless youth, black, black turban, cane, colors, companions, green, green turban, length, over-sized, Prophet Muhammad (s), Sahaba, standing, Sunnah, turban, walking stick, white, young age, youngsters
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Which way to pray
Our Prophet ( SAW) said, “Pray as you see me pray “.
Some people hold their arms against their sides during prayer. Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer, Sunnah
Tagged bodily pain, companions, differences, fard, fiqh, Four Imams, hand pressure, hand-position, hands, health, leeway, Maliki, mercy, Mujtahid Imams, Prophet Muhammad (s), qabd, rukn, sadl, salat, Sayyida `Ayesha, shart, Sunnah
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