Tag Archives: dhikrullah
I see my self sitting in a halqa (circle) smiling dressed in white clothes and my head is also covered with same cloth. Continue reading
Dhikr by Numbers
Is making Dhikr in numbers other than those prescribed by the Sunnah permissible? Continue reading
99 Divine Attributes
I have been learning the 99 Divine Qualities, reading on dozens of explanations, doing dhikr, trying to contemplate on them but later realized that in my heart I know nothing. Continue reading
Dream: Sheikh Hisham Speaking About Huqum
What I recall from my dream is hearing Sheikh Hisham say that one will be tested with huqum that’s in one’s heart. He said we will see the decisions being made. I then covered myself with a blanket. If I could understand the meaning. Continue reading
Making Dhikr in Circles
What is the ruling of gathering in circles to make invocations (dhikr)? Continue reading
Fazila with Names of Allah Azawajjal
I would like to ask you about some dhikrs and wazifah recommended by Awliyah and Ulama, for example, eg 33 times ya Maliku… Continue reading
Daily Awrad
he Blessed Etiquette of Rajab, we make silent dhikrullah first before loud dhikr. I am not sure if we are to continue with silent dhikr first before loud dhikr… Continue reading
Dream: A stranger baby boy
I had a dream that a beautiful and healthy boy is given to me by someone( I don’t remember who). The baby’s face and body is covered with back dirt… Continue reading
How to go about my life?
Shaykh I have a hatred towards my life that everyday I contemplate about suicide. I feel I have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide… Continue reading
In need of help
Sir there are many questions in my mind my heart is unrest. What I was experiencing a few months ago all those spirituality… good dreams, ziyarats all disappears suddenly… Continue reading