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Tag Archives: disbeliever
Doubting the kufr of a kafir?
“One who does not believe in one of the things indispensable in Islam becomes a kafir. One who has suspicion of such a person’s not being a kafir and in that he will not be punished in Hell eternally is a kafir, too… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged disbeliever, kufr, kufr ni`mat, unbeliever
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How should be non-Muslims dealt?
From verse 33 and 13 of al maeda we have two different ways to deal with… Continue reading
Posted in Qur'an & Tafsir
Tagged disbeliever, greetings, non-Muslims
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Unbelieving doctors
In MSN’s internet talks last year I think I heard MSN critisize seeing unbelieving doctors. Does this mean dont see them?
Also, I saw a billboard advert about fast (internet access) without breaks, but I thought it might have been a ‘sign’ and advice, so i fasted everyday for about 3 weeks. My condition improved, but should I have carried on? Might I have been right in seeing a ‘sign’?
Posted in Health, Siyam - Fasting, Sunnah
Tagged `Ashura, advertisements, billboard, Day of `Arafah, disbeliever, doctor, doctors, Fasting, internet, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Monday, Muslim doctor, Nifs Sha`ban, sawm, Shari`ah, siyam, sohba, suhbat, Sunnah, Thursday
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About Yazid
Q: With humbleness this sinner servant of sheikh hisham wants to ask him that there is an impression being spread out by some posts of this site that yazid bin muavya was’nt a sinner. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Allah's Mercy, companions, criminal, curse, despair, disbeliever, fasiq, filthy, Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, kafir, la`an, Sahaba, Sayyidina Mu`awiya, sinner, transgressor, vile, wrongdoer, Yazid ibn Mu`awiya
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