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Tag Archives: Fasting
Dream: QuraanRêve : Coran
Dreamt in ramadaan that 1 elderly man from the local masjid passed away reading quraan just before fajr salaah and I was called to his home to see him. [fr]J’ai rêvé pendant le mois de ramadan qu’un homme âgé, de la mosquée locale,[/fr] Continue reading
Swallowing phlegm break fast?
Q: Does swallowing phlegm break the fast? Continue reading
Waking vision of Habib Paak (sallu alihe wa alehe wa sallam)
1.He saw Allah taila’s beloved (sallu alihe wa alehe wa sallam) in awakened state ( may be time of iftar,he was in nafil “saoum” in the month of Holy Eid -e-Miladun Nabi. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged ashab as-suffah, brother-in-law, Fasting, Prophet Muhammad (s), salawat, sawm, water
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Missed fasts and prayers due to mental health
I reverted to Islam 14 years ago. I have difficulties to fast Ramadan and to pray. Continue reading
Posted in Health, Salat - Prayer, Siyam - Fasting
Tagged anxiety, depression, fard, Fasting, make-up fasts, make-up prayer, medical excuse, medication, missed fast, missed prayers, panic attacks, prayer, qada, ramadan, rukhsa, salat, sawm, siyam
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Dream: To hear devil inside oneself
I fasted on Arafat, and the day after I prayed fajr. Then I slept and came a peaceful feeling in my breast but I really heard an enormous hoarse scream coming from inside myself. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awrad, ego, Fasting, siyam
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Reciting Quran during menses
Q: I am wondering if I can recite my daily awrad by mouth during this time or if I have to do it silently in the heart? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Women's Issues
Tagged awrad, darood, dhikr, Fasting, menses, prayer, Quran, recitation, salat, sawm, siyam
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Are there awliya who lived from divine light?
Q: lately I watched a documentary about people who do not eat and drink since years but live from divine light. This tradition exists in many religions so I was wondering if in Islam we also have awlyah who subsist only through divine light? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angelic, awliyaullah, dhikr, divine energy, Divine Light, Fasting, food, khalwah, luminary, luminous, subsist, water
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Guidelines for Raising Children
Q: In Islam how are parents expected to bring their children up, what guidance should they provide? Continue reading
Fasting: Why Stop Eating 10 Minutes Before Fajr (Imsak)?
Q: Most books of fiqh seem to state that the wajib time to begin fasting is at the true dawn (when the second adhan in pronounced)….?
A: This is not a ‘requirement’ but, rather, a recommendation, for the reason you mentioned… Continue reading